Shams Al Nubalaa
Manawi Al Basha, Basrah, Basra Governorate | +964 (0) 7717 885 886

Welcome to

Shams Al Nubalaa

Over 40 specialist Engineers with international experience in various construction projects. Over 300 skilled Technical Special-ists in the projects. International Procurement De-partment with extensive expe-rience in dealing with reputed Original Equipment Manufactur-ers (OEMs). Logistic Department capable of handling forwarding and shipping from any part of the world. State-of-the art equipment. Own fleet - including heavy cranes.Innovative construction control tools. Extensive IT deployment for pro-gress monitoring and project management. Shams Al-Nubalaa has a built a Learning & Development center in order to maintain the leading edge by high quality workforce. Employees are periodically trained and their skills are advanced through internal as well as exter-nal specialists who have a vast knowledge and experience in the industry. Employees are encour-aged to demonstrate initiative, communication skills and a com-mitment towards company goals and achieve technical excellence. The L&D program is not only for the internal staff but also extend-ed to local Universities graduates to inspire them towards prospective career opportunities. With our expertise, we are well-equipped to handle complex installations in both onshore and offshore facilities, ensuring that every pipe rack we construct meets the highest safety standards and operational efficiency. Our experience and knowledge enable us to deliver solutions that ensure smooth, safe, and efficient operations for our clients in the oil and gas sector.

Shams Al-Nubalaa is one of the leading construction companies in Iraq. Based on its expertise in managing complex construction processes, Shams Al-Nubalaa contributes to the positive impact of con- struction for its customers and society. Operations include Pipeline, Refiner- ies and Degassing Station, Steel and Concrete Struc- ture, Oil and Gas Storage Tanks and Terminals, Spe- cial Petrochemicals Main- tenance and Industrial Cleaning Services, and building and infrastructure project contracting.

Contact Shams Al Nubalaa

Address: Manawi Al Basha, Basrah, Basra Governorate

Phone: +964 (0) 7717 885 886
Fax Number: +964 (0) 7717 885 886